Peculiar, really, with her Costa‐
Brava bikini transplanted to this
old harbour amongst the Golden
Samphire, Greater Knapweed,
Viper's Bugloss, Ringed Plover,
Common Sandpiper, Turnstone,
Large Skipper, Bell Heather,
Small Heath, Common Blue,
Bladder Wrack, Spring Squill,
Sea Campion, Godwit, Oyster
Catcher, Curlew, Whimbrel,
Redshank, Male Fern, Lady Fern,
Common Polypody, Ling, Hart's‐
Tongue, Spleenwort, Black‐
Headed Gull, Kittiwake, Herring
Gull, Small Copper ‐ nice though.